Poli-Econ                                            Constitution                                        Mr. Thacker


                        Unit 1                                                  Section 1


Identify and/or Explain


 1.  Constitution

 2.  Bill of Rights

 3.  Republic

 4.  John Locke

 5.  Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom

 6.  Male Suffrage

 7.  Articles of Confederation

 8.  Sovereignty

 9.  Land Ordinance of 1785

10.  Northwest Territory

11.  “Continentals”

12.  Depression

13.  Treaty of Paris (1783)

14.  Daniel Shays

15.  Shays Rebellion




1.  List the provisions of the Land Ordinance of 1785, why did this have far reaching effects.  (5)



2.  List the weaknesses of the Article of Confederation, why was it an important first step for the United States.  (5)